How to Select a Virtual Office Provider in London – Landmark

How to Select a Virtual Office Provider in London

Virtual Office in London is an attractive option to a range of businesses, for a variety of reasons. From small start-up companies looking to minimise their initial outlay, to mobile businesses that do not require a physical premises, to large companies that have chosen to relocate their offices to more economical locations, whilst still retaining a prestigious address.

However, the fact that your business will not be carrying out its full range of services from this location does not mean that any less due diligence should be taken when selecting the correct provider. The address of your virtual office, the style, look and age of the building, the presentation and professionalism of the reception staff all contribute to the overall perception and reputation of your company. It is these small touches that can make the difference between you winning a contract and losing out to one of your competitors.

As such the following are a range of tips for you to consider when selecting your Virtual Office Provider;

1. Location

Does the Virtual Office provider offer Virtual Office addresses in a location you deem suitable for your business, for example;

  • – Does the address exude the level of prestige you wish to be associated with your business?
  • – Is the address located within the hub of your particular industry?
  • – Is the address within a reasonable proximity to that of your clients, potential markets, competitors?
  • – Is the address accessible to yourself and other members of your company should the need arise?

2. Services

First of all decide exactly which services YOU require from a Virtual Office Provider. Secondly search for a provider that is able to match your needs. This may sound obvious, however it is common practice for a company to find a Virtual Office Provider then accept whatever services they happen to be packaging together, often resulting in the payment of services that are not required, or the lack of services that could be essential to your business in the future if not now. A selection of services offered by Virtual Offices are detailed below but not limited to;

  • – A Suitably Prestigious Address
  • – Local, Dedicated Telephone Number
  • – Voice Mail Service
  • – Call Forwarding
  • – Call Answering in your Company Name
  • – Call Recording
  • – Registered Office Address
  • – Receptionist etc…

3. Associated Services

Consider your companies business plan and objectives, where do you see your company in 1 to 5 years time, what are your plans for expansion and growth? These issues need to be raised to ensure that your selected Virtual Offices Provider offers the associated services to facilitate your requirements for growth, such as;

  • – Conference Rooms
  • – Meeting Rooms
  • – Serviced Offices
  • – Business Lounges
  • – Copying Facilities
  • – Projection Facilities etc…

4.  Inspect the Premises

Although you are commissioning the premises as a Virtual Location as opposed to a static, traditional office space, do not forget potential clients will view this building as projecting the image of your company, as such take the time to visit the premises, ensure that it creates the perception your business wishes to portrait, look for factors such as;

  • – Appearance of the building including age and style
  • – Internal presentation including decoration, furniture, waiting are facilities, elevators etc.
  • – Maintenance of the building
  • – Ambiance and aesthetics of the surrounding area
  • – Internal Presentation including decoration, furniture, waiting are facilities, elevators etc.
  • – Presentation and attitude of Front Desk Staff
  • – Signage, is the building extensively using the Virtual Office Providers signage? As this could be misleading to your clients

5.  Proportion of Virtual Office Provider Employees to Clients

Check that the number of employees responsible for attending your requirements is within a reasonable ratio to the number of clients utilizing the virtual office space. An extremely low cost Virtual Office Space does not present long term value if calls are not answered promptly or efficiently and mail is not handled effectively. The consequence of such performance being the potential loss of valuable clients.

6. Contracts

Check the terms and conditions of the proposed contract, does it offer the flexibility you require to amend and adjust, are you tied in to a set duration, is there an upfront deposit, is there an exit fee, what elements of the service are included within the contract and what elements are additional, what additional benefits are on offer. For example, i2 office offer their virtual office clients complimentary membership of i2 access, their luxury business lounge network with lounges in major cities throughout the UK.

7. Reviews

Search in Google for “Name of virtual office provider here Reviews”

This can provide you with a number of accounts of the experience other companies have had with your proposed Virtual Office Provider.

Following the above advice should assist you in selecting a Serviced Office Provider that meets the expectations and requirements of your company.

I2 Office pride ourselves in offering the perfect solution to not only meet but exceed your Virtual Office expectations, contact us now for further details of how we can improve the efficiency and perception of your business today.

Make an enquiry

Leave us your details and a member of our team will get in touch with you, or call us 020 3440 5000.

Meeting rooms, day offices and coworking day passes are available to book now on our online booking platform.